Topic: Using Big Data for Financial Forensics
Speaker: Paul M. Perry, CISM, CDPSE, CITP, CPA, Warren Averett, Security, Risk and Controls Leader
Topic Description: The current climate of sharply increased online and virtual activity courtesy of the COVID-19 pandemic brings into sharper relief the need to be vigilant and put controls in place to head off fraud. Mr. Perry will share how a close analysis of data patterns and relationships can lead to breakthroughs in financial fraud cases, and explain the various tools and techniques (Benford’s Law Analysis, Relative Size Factor and Number Frequency Factor) used by analysts. He will also discuss the fiduciary considerations associated with identifying and preventing fraud.
Speaker Bio:
Paul Perry has been with the Firm since 2004 and is a Member and the practice leader of the Security, Risk and Controls Group. Paul and his team focus on cybersecurity, information technology related projects, risk assessments, internal controls, internal audit and control-related projects, including System and Organization Control engagements.
Paul is also a leader in the Firm’s Data Analysis Group, a team of individuals within the Firm who provide data analysis solutions to both internal and external clients. Paul has earned the Certified Information Technology Professional (CITP) certification. This credential is awarded to CPAs who possess both information technology and business expertise.
Paul is involved in articles, podcasts and presentations on a wide variety of security, technology and control related topics to groups including the ASCPA, FICPA, HFMA, IIA and various corporate organizations.